Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou NHS Dolls!
Hey dolls!
Welcome back to the doll beauty blog
As you all know, we are in the midst of a global crisis & for many of us, the world has stopped turning for a while.
But instead of focusing on the negatives, we are here to spread a little joy in the form of a fabulous giveaway for 10 lucky NHS angels!
I don't think there's ever enough thank yous in the world that could ever truly say just how grateful we are over to our instagram page now to nominate your NHS hero & share their story with us!
Winners will be announced Sunday 29th march.

We thought you might need a little pick me up during this isolation period, who we've got a fabulous bundle for you to stay put & pamper! Our stay home bundle features two best selling lashes, our medium bronzer & our doll tan & mitt to give you that flawless finish! Don't let the boredom get you down babes - get dolled up!
Ok hold up - did you see our girl Malika getting her glow on with gimme sun last week? She is looking fiiiire! Gimme sun is available in a number of shades from light to deep dark - grab yours online now!
We are loving one of our fave mua's this week - Brana Alunan. Showing us that all this time at home can be spent well by dolling ourselves up & getting your pose on in the bathroom mirror ;) Brana has of course used our doll light in shade shine bright - one of our best sellers in the highlighter collection!
Have you shopped our gloss collection yet dolls? You can now buy our gloss individually or as a set! That's right - you can buy the whole gloss collection here!
Stock up for your big night out dolls!